Francesco Baracca Nieuport 11

The Nieuport 11 of Tenente Francesco Baracca of 1ª Squadriglia

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This is a full-color 1:144 3D print of the Nieuport 11 of Tenente Francesco Baracca of 1ª Squadriglia.  Baracca was Italy’s ace of aces with 34 confirmed victories.  After a single victory in a Nieuport 10, Baracca flew this French-built Nieuport 11.  It featured no top-wing markings (common for Italian planes at this time), but the bottom wings were sectioned off in Italian colors.

No painting is necessary — this model comes printed in full color, ready to use.  The model does not come with a flight stand, maneuver deck, or plane card.  You can find an unofficial plane card for this plane in this paint scheme in the gallery on this page.

Plane statistics and gaming information may be found at